Pelatihan Training Chief HR Master Class
Business Results thru Future HR Capabilities
Kondisi masa depan yang semakin tidak menentu dan ancaman resesi menuntut tidak hanya management yang transformative, tetapi juga pengelola organisasi yang inovatif dan adaptif.
Program ini didesain untuk memenuhi kapabilitas masa depan para praktisi HR, dan ditujukan untuk seluruh HR Senior Executives serta HR Professionals, agar dapat memberikan nilai, membangun kapabilitas, mendorong transformasi, dan memimpin organisasi menghadapi masa depan.
Global Methodology, Indonesian Context
Professor Dave Ulrich
Ross School of Business
University of Michigan
The Father of Modern HR Science
Topik: Organization Guidance System as HR Partnering Tools
Heru Wiryanto
Co-Founder at PsikoUpdate Indonesia
Topik: People Analytics and Future HR Management
Arbono Lasmahadi
Vice President Human Resources Sintesa Group
Topik: People Side of Risk Management and Governance
Suwardi Luis
Founder QuBisa
Topik: Agile and Lean Method to Drive Business Result in HR
A. Miftahuddin Amin
EVP and Chief HR and Corporate Affairs Paragon Corp.
Topik: Enhancing Change and Digital Culture Internalization
Yunus Triyonggo
HR & GA Director PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia
Ketua Umum GNIK
Topik: Strategic Industrial Relation and Stakeholder Management
Herdy Rosadi Harman
Topik: People Intelligence and Future HR Softskill
Benefit Peserta:
- Kesempatan mengikuti CDHX Clinic Class
- Berpartisipasi dalam Forum diskusi
- Program yang diselaraskan dengan akreditasi BNSP & sertifikasi kelas dunia
- World-Class Curriculum
- Bimbingan dan komunitas paska pelatihan
- Pembicara terbaik dari direktur praktisi industri dan konsultan senior
- Metode belajar yang praktis disertai fokus pada “How To”
Workshop Outline
Live In-Class Learning
Hybrid only for Dave Ulrich session
- Organization Guidance System as HR Partnering Tools
- Agile and Lean Method to Drive Business Result in HR
- People Intelligence and Future HR Softskill
- People Analytics and Future HR Management
- Enhancing Change and Digital Culture Internalization
- People Side of Risk Management and Governance
- Strategic Industrial Relation and Stakeholder Management
“In HR, we are in a unique position to impact our current financial performance and, more importantly, create capabilities that will grow our future value. This requires a strategic approach to value creation and a deeper understanding of our stakeholders.”
Dave Ulrich,
Co-Founder, The RBL Group