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Excellence in Supervisory



  • Understand the responsibility and new paradigm as supervisory role.
  • Establish high performance plan to achieve organization goal.
  • Communicating with others proactively and persuade team member.
  • Managing conflict effectively with different style.



CDHX Participant Benefit

  • CDHX Clinic Class
  • Forum Discussion
  • Aligned and accredited with BNSP & world class certification
  • World-Class Curriculum
  • Community and guidance after workshop 
  • Best speakers, senior consultants and practitioners 
  • Focus on “How To” learning methods



Participants will get:

  • Online training modules
  • Online Pre-reading 
  • Workshop Modules in PDF
  • Case study & group discussion



Workshop Outline




  • Foundation of Leader: Managing Task and Managing  People
  • Role of New Manager or supervisor
    • Discussion : New leader role


Managing High Performance

  • Importance of Goal Setting
  • SMART C Method


Communicating with Others Proactively

  • Mapping your communication style




Communicating with Others Proactively

  • Persuasive principles at work
  • Active Listening
    • Role play : How to be active listener?


Developing Your Team Performance

  • Identifying Root Cause of Performance Problem
  • Positive and Constructive Feedback
  • Development through Coaching:
    • Case study and Role play




Improving Team through Delegation Skill

  • Why Delegation?
  • Case study and presentation
  • Reasons people don’t delegate
  • Delegation Process
    • Simulation : Delegation process


Managing Conflict at Work

  • What is conflict?
  • Source of Conflict




Managing Conflict at Work

  • 5 ways to respond conflict effectively


Team Development

  • Team Evolution
  • Managing different types of team
    • Discussion and Presentation